Forms are... complicated. Lets just think about how complex forms are and where we are at.
We have the fields we want to display.
The client side scripts we want to run.

We use a component for the form that takes a number of properties.
On the cell component load up react-hook-form render the form, and any child buttons.

The <FormComponent /> loads the fields, and will render a submit button unless you
give it a children elements.


There's a lot of props passed in to this component. This should be cleaned up.

Property Expected Input Description
record {user} This is the record the form will load, if this is included default values will load from that record.
fields {fields} This will control what fields to show and the order they show in. When you scaffold, I include all the fields, but don't know the types, so it's up to you to set those.
error {error} Error returned from GraphQL calls
onSubmit {onSubmit} The function to execute on submission of the form. If you need to convert a value from a string to a integer, this is where you should do that.
handleSubmit {handleSubmit} Needed for react-hook-form to work.
register {register} Needed for react-hook-form to work.
formState `` Needed for react-hook-form to work.


This prop specifically needs to be called out. Today I've only coded for Text, TextArea, DateTime, and Password fields.

The form can render the following field types.

The field attributes you assign that are passed on the form are;

Field Type Description Status
text Default Implemented
password Implemented
reference Loads a selectbox Implemented
select Select input Implemented
textarea Textarea input Coming
checkbox Checkbox input Coming
radio Radio input Coming
date Date input Coming
time Time input Coming
datetime Date and Time input Coming
file File input Coming
Attribute Details
name the field name
placeHolder placeholder text
required if the field is required set this to true for client side check (doesn't work)
prettyName The Label to display for the field
readOnly if the field is readonly render it in a div and not an input
type default: input, accepts password, select, and reference
value used for select, and reference fields, controls the value for the options listed
display used for select, and reference fields, controls the display for the options listed
defaultValue used for all field types, should set the default value. reference also needs defaultDisplay
defaultDisplay used to build the display for a reference of the first choice.
QUERY Graphql to use for reference field lookup.
choices array for select type field

prettyName = label
placeholder = placeholder
required = required
minLength = minLength


This is the default type of field. It will render an input field. Here's an example object that will render a text field.

name: 'firstName',
prettyName: 'First Name',
placeholder: 'First Name',
required: true,
minLength: 2,


name: 'password',
prettyName: 'Password',
placeholder: 'Password',
required: true,
minLength: 2,
type: 'password',


This loads two fields, one for a filter and another as a select box.

This takes a bunch of attributes on the field.

The normal props, name, prettyName, required, and minLength are applied like the other fields.

This takes a defaultValue, which is the value of the first choice in the select box.

This also takes these attributes:

Attribute Notes
defaultDisplay The display value for the first choice in the select box.
defaultValue The value for the first choice in the select box.
QUERY The Graphql query to use to load the select box.
display The field to display from the GraphQL model in the select box.
value The value to use from the GraphQL model in the select box.

An example object that will render a reference field.

name: 'user',
prettyName: 'User',
defaultValue: '',
defaultDisplay: '',
required: true,
minLength: 2,
QUERY: gql,
display: 'field from model to display',
value: 'field from model to use as value',



This is a select box.

Example object that will render a select box.

name: 'roles',
prettyName: 'Roles',
required: true,
minLength: 2,
options: [ "array of options","to include" ],
defaultOption: "default option"